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Innovation Journeys: 10G is new. We have been working on it for years.

June 20, 2019

You may have noticed that CableLabs is focused on innovation. One of our goals is to be recognized as the leading industry innovation lab in the world but talking about our innovation can be a bit tricky. Our job is to deliver innovation for the worldwide cable industry, but we can’t really talk about what […]

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10G Platform: Coming to Homes, Offices and Cities Near You

January 7, 2019

In just 2 years, the cable industry has made an unparalleled technological leap by increasing availability of 1 gigabit broadband Internet from only 4 percent to 80 percent of U.S. households. Today, we’re excited to announce that this accomplishment is just the first step toward realizing cable’s 10G vision in the next decade. Is 10G Technology a Future Vision or […]

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Legislators at the Labs

October 3, 2018

Eighty politicians walked into a lab… That’s not the start of a joke, it was actually the start of our week here at CableLabs! We were excited and honored to host state representatives and senators from across the U.S. on Monday, and to show them the exciting innovation happening in the cable industry. Our day […]

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Technology in Your Everyday Life: Why You Should Pay Attention to Innovation

September 21, 2018

If you were around 30 years ago, you may recall using a payphone, writing a check, or strolling down the street with your Walkman. All of those conveniences of 30 years ago don’t seem all that convenient today. In just three decades, the span of CableLabs’ entire existence, we went from analog to digital, from […]

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Come Along for the Ride: Innovation Boot Camp

July 18, 2018

Innovation is difficult. A full 95 percent of consumer products fail. Plus, the innovation process is highly unreliable, so we need every advantage we can get. In just three and a half days at the CableLabs Innovation Boot Camp, my team and I found a way to change all that. Yes, they were long days, and […]

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The Rise of Autonomous Bots and Vehicles

March 30, 2018

I live in Los Altos, California, a small town in the heart of Silicon Valley. I’ve been an early adopter of autonomous bots and vehicles—voluntarily and involuntarily—for over 5 years.  I’m talking about a new class of appliances, I call them “Autonomous Citizens,” that have both permission and ability to move autonomously completing tasks in […]

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CES 2018: Cable’s Impact

January 9, 2018

Today marked the beginning of the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Nevada. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), with over 170,000 attendees from 150 countries and more than 3,900 exhibiting companies, CES is one of the world’s largest tech trade shows and serves as the global stage for next-generation innovations. Showcasing jaw-dropping technology in […]

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2018 Tech Innovation Predictions

January 3, 2018

Now that 2018 has begun, it’s time for me to give my innovation predictions for the year. Watch the video below to find out what you can expect to see in 2018 and which trends are over-hyped. What are your predictions for 2018? Tell us in the comment section below. Best wishes for a great new […]

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Dr. Bernardo Huberman Joins the CableLabs Team

October 3, 2017

Today, technology pioneer and futurist, Dr. Bernardo Huberman joins CableLabs as a Fellow and vice president of the Core Innovation Team. Based in our Silicon Valley office, Bernardo will lead our innovation efforts in the areas of artificial intelligence, PHY and MAC layer communications network technologies, and Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization. A former […]

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5 Ways to Raise Innovation Leadership

September 13, 2017

The need to innovate now is greater than ever. Yet, many leaders admit that they just don’t have the time or they don’t practice innovation consistently enough as an individual or with their team. With an accelerating stream of start-ups and popular well-funded competitors challenging the set-top box, connectivity methods, and business models of the […]

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