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DOCSIS 4.0 Interop·Labs: A Year of Progress and Collaboration

July 11, 2024

Achieving interoperability in the broadband industry is no small feat. It takes time, patience and attention to detail. Collaboration, problem-solving and flexibility. But, once achieved, interoperability powers innovation and competition within the ecosystem. It enables expanded market opportunities for equipment suppliers and offers operators more options for their subscriber services. CableLabs provides a neutral testing […]

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Security Gets the Spotlight at DOCSIS 4.0 Interop·Labs Event

August 31, 2023

CableLabs and Kyrio hosted a second DOCSIS® 4.0 Interop·Labs Event August 14–17 at our headquarters in Louisville, Colorado. This event built on our successes in July, focusing on interoperability between DOCSIS 4.0 cable modems (CMs) and DOCSIS 3.1 cable modem termination systems (CMTSs). Attendance was up from the July interop, along with the addition of […]

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DOCSIS 4.0 Interop·Labs Event Draws Excellent Participation

August 1, 2023

For the first time since we published the DOCSIS® 4.0 specifications in 2020, the DOCSIS community recently came together for an Interop•Labs event. With Kyrio support, CableLabs hosted the interop July 17–21 at our headquarters in Louisville, Colorado. The event was a success on multiple fronts, and I was particularly excited by the strong turnout […]

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DOCSIS Technology Ramps Up Speed

June 22, 2023

Thanks to two recent innovations, DOCSIS technology is bringing more speed to the table. First, DOCSIS 3.1 cable modem termination systems (CMTSs) can now offer more DOCSIS channels than they did just a few years ago. Second, DOCSIS 4.0 cable modems (CMs) can take advantage of those extra channels to provide even faster speeds. DOCSIS […]

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Cable Broadband: From DOCSIS 3.1® to DOCSIS 4.0®

November 6, 2020

In 1997, CableLabs released the very first version of Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS ® technology) that enabled broadband internet service over Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial (HFC) networks.  Ever since, we’ve been making improvements, greatly enhancing network speed, capacity, latency, reliability and security with every new version. Today, cable operators use DOCSIS 3.1 technologies to […]

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CableLabs Completes Full Duplex DOCSIS Specification

October 11, 2017

“In the United States, more than 90 percent of households are connected to an HFC (hybrid fiber-coaxial) network, and consumers typically have higher download speeds than upload speeds. By enabling Full Duplex DOCSIS (now a part of DOCSIS 4.0 technology), the upstream can flow up to 6 Gbps and downstream traffic can flow at up […]

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Full Duplex DOCSIS® Specification Effort Launches

September 20, 2016

During the CableLabs 2016 Winter Conference, CableLabs announced the Full Duplex DOCSIS (now a part of DOCSIS 4.0 technology) specification project that will significantly increase upstream speeds on the DOCSIS network. The announcement of the Full Duplex DOCSIS (now a part of DOCSIS 4.0 technology) extension of the DOCSIS 3.1 specification, and its potential of […]

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Keeping Pace with Nielsen’s Law

September 15, 2016

The telecommunications industry typically uses Nielsen’s Law of Internet Bandwidth to represent historical broadband Internet speeds and to forecast future broadband Internet speeds. Mr. Nielsen predicted many years ago the high-end user’s downstream connection speed grows by approximately 50% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). In reality, actual peak service tiers offered by service providers over […]

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A Sneak Peek of SCTE Cable-Tec Expo

September 13, 2016

CableLabs and Kyrio will be hosting a booth at the SCTE Cable-Tec Expo 2016.  To provide you with a sneak peek of what we plan to show at the event, below are highlights of six demonstrations: Full Duplex DOCSIS® 3.1 Technology With Full Duplex DOCSIS 3.1 technology, the HFC network can support 10 Gbps Downstream […]

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Li-Fi – A Bright Future for Home Networks

March 8, 2016

At CableLabs, we are continually researching new methods of in-home wireless network distribution, and one exciting new contender is Li-Fi. What is Li-Fi? Li-Fi is the modulation of a free-space beam of light in order to transmit a signal. It can be thought of as analogous to Wi-Fi, just in a much higher frequency band […]

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