There are 11 blogs written by Jennifer Andreoli-Fang.

Cable’s 10G Platform to Provide Synchronization for 5G
April 29, 2020
Cable service providers operate an extensive hybrid fiber coax (HFC) infrastructure to serve residential and business fixed broadband. In recent weeks, the world witnessed how cable networks around the globe have withstood the test of a dramatic surge in capacity demand due to the work-from-home (WFH) and other xFH practices induced by COVID-19 pandemic and […]

Enabling 5G with 10G Low Latency Xhaul (LLX) Over DOCSIS® Technology
September 10, 2019
I am a GenXer, and I am addicted to my iPhone. But it’s not just me, today’s consumers, millennials and baby boomers and everyone in between, are increasingly spending more and more time on their mobile devices. Have you ever wondered what happens to your traffic when you interact with your iPhone or Android devices? […]
DOCSIS® Network vs. Fiber Backhaul for Outdoor Small Cells: How Larger Footprint of DOCSIS Networks Lowers TCO in the Outdoor Use Case
January 31, 2019
In our recent blog post, we talked about how, from a total cost of ownership (TCO) perspective, DOCSIS networks triumph as either backhaul or fronthaul over traditional fiber backhaul for the indoor use case. In this blog, we bring that TCO analysis to a more intuitive, outdoor use case: a head-to-head comparison between TCO of […]
TCO of DOCSIS® Network XHaul vs. Fiber BackHaul: How DOCSIS Networks Triumph in the Indoor Use Case
December 12, 2018
In our recently published blog post, we demonstrated why indoor femtocells have reemerged as an attractive deployment model. In particular, indoor network densification has huge potential for converged cable/wireless operators who can leverage their existing Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) footprint to either backhaul from full-stack femtocells or fronthaul from virtual Radio Access Network (vRAN) remote […]
Introducing the DOCSIS Synchronization Techniques Specification
July 31, 2018
It’s been nearly a year since the Mobile Backhaul vendor and operator team that I lead started working on techniques to improve DOCSIS® technology to provide better backhaul for mobile. One of the team’s main and most pressing issues was to solve the problem of how to provide precision synchronization and timing. Today, I am […]
DOCSIS Technologies for Mobile Backhaul: Download our White Paper
May 30, 2018
As the small cell densification wave is becoming a reality, mobile operators are faced with the complex task of searching for suitable backhaul solutions. This is where the hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) networks rise up to the challenge. DOCSIS networks provide three main elements critical to backhaul solutions; location, power and capacity. Mobile operators are […]
Webinar Recap: Enabling Cable Networks for Mobile Backhaul
February 23, 2018
Last week, Craig Cowden (Charter), John Chapman (Cisco) and I jointly presented a webinar on improving latency for mobile backhaul over DOCSIS. Moderated by CableLabs’ Rob Alderfer, we: Discussed cable’s wireless strategy and business case for mobile backhaul Did a deep dive into the technical details on how our Bandwidth Report (BWR) proposal can reduce the […]
Enabling the Cable Networks for Mobile Backhaul
February 14, 2018
With 5G and small cell densification on the near horizon, mobile networks need economically viable backhaul solutions. Cable operators are well positioned with fixed networks to bridge that gap, and many operate mobile networks themselves. Could we be on the verge of fixed-mobile network convergence? Things seem to be pointing in that direction, but it […]