Innovation Journeys: 10G is new. We have been working on it for years.
June 20, 2019
You may have noticed that CableLabs is focused on innovation. One of our goals is to be recognized as the leading industry innovation lab in the world but talking about our innovation can be a bit tricky. Our job is to deliver innovation for the worldwide cable industry, but we can’t really talk about what […]

Active Story: How Virtual Reality is Changing Narratives
November 3, 2015
I love story, it’s why I got into filmmaking. I love the archetypal form of the written story, the many compositional techniques to achieve a visual story, and using layers of association to tell story with sound. But most of all, I love story because of its capacity to teach. Telling a story to teach […]

Who Will Win The Race For Virtual Reality Content?
October 1, 2015
This is the second of a series of posts on Virtual Reality technology by Steve and others at CableLabs. You can find the first post here. In the recent study we performed at CableLabs, we asked what would stop people from buying a virtual reality headset. High on the list of items was availability of […]

Is Virtual Reality the Next Big Thing?
September 8, 2015
In the Advanced Technology Group at CableLabs I get to play with all the best toys, trying to work out what is a challenge or an opportunity, and what is a flop waiting to be unwrapped. 3D is a great case study. I first got to work with 3D TV in 1995 (in a prior […]