There are 2 blogs written by Steve Arendt.
NetLLM: Your Handy Automated Network Assistant
November 12, 2024
If you’ve ever spent any time online, you’ve probably uttered some variation of this: “What’s happening with my internet!?” Whether or not you’re technically proficient, your first step toward fixing your network problem is always the same: Shout your frustration into the void. If you’re a networking professional, you might then open Wireshark and manually […]
CableLabs Brings Mobile Wi-Fi’s Power to Wi-Fi Industry for a Better User Experience
October 20, 2022
Wi-Fi can be frustrating! It sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Identifying the problems can be difficult, and people often just turn Wi-Fi off on their device and instead use their cellular data connection. In doing so, they miss out on the potentially much higher throughput, and hence the faster Internet connection, that a Wi-Fi connection […]