
Passive Optical Networking – for the Next Generation
July 29, 2015
Service providers invest billions of dollars in their access networks. Ideally, the deployed technology meets consumer demand for many years, allowing service providers to avoid costly upgrades before fully recovering their investments. In addition to technology longevity, service providers also like to see technology evolution, a next generation, to borrow an overused technology term, to […]

NFV and SDN: Paving the Way to a Software-Based Networking Future
March 23, 2015
When ONF Executive Director Dan Pitt invited me to contribute a blog post, it brought to mind our interaction in the summer of 2012 on how to treat SDN in the seminal NFV White Paper I was then editing. The operator co-authors were keen to ensure that SDN and NFV were positioned in the paper […]

The Future of Home Networking: Putting the ‘HIP’ in HIPnet™
March 12, 2014
You’ve been hearing all the hype about IPv6 networks but don’t know why you should care. Perhaps you’ve heard that your cable provider is delivering IPv6 service to your home but you don’t know what that means or why you should take advantage of it. Maybe you’ve just purchased a new home router that touts […]