cyclic prefix elimination

Getting Rid of a Big Communications Tax on OFDM Transmissions
December 20, 2017
You can find the background information for this article in the post “Sharing Bandwidth: Cyclic Prefix Elimination.” Most wireless transmissions use a modulation technology called OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing). This method was invented by Saltzburg and Chen at Bell Labs in the 1960s, but was not widely commercialized until the 1990s when faster signal processing […]

Sharing Bandwidth: Cyclic Prefix Elimination
December 20, 2017
Unfortunately, there is only so much over-the-air wireless bandwidth, and it must be shared between a lot of folks. And the situation is not getting any better. While you can usually run another wire or fiber optic cable between two locations to get more bandwidth, if you have a wireless application you must share this […]