
There are 4 blogs written by Kyle Haefner.


CableLabs Co-Chairs New M3AAWG AI Committee

February 15, 2024

The sudden rise of highly capable artificial intelligence (AI) has brought immense opportunities for beneficial innovation and advancement. However, alongside its benefits, AI also presents unique challenges concerning online abuse and threats to security and privacy. Recognizing the urgency of addressing these issues, the Messaging, Malware, and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG) has taken a […]

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month and Beyond: How We’re Safeguarding Network Integrity  

October 10, 2023

In the digital age, cybersecurity is the first line of defense against an ever-expanding and continually evolving array of threats. The increasing sophistication of cyber threats and a deepening dependence on interconnectivity have elevated cybersecurity technologies from a peripheral consideration to a critical priority. October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but safeguarding digital integrity is a […]

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Securing IoT Networks: NCCoE and CableLabs Collaborate to Develop Trusted Onboarding Solution

May 9, 2023

Billions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been added to the internet over the past several years. During that time, millions of insecure IoT devices have contributed to massive Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attacks, exposing end users’ private data. To address the problem of insecure IoT devices, CableLabs participates in and contributes to […]

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With Great Bandwidth Comes Great Responsibility

May 5, 2020

Cable’s next generation, 10G networks, holds the promise to deliver symmetrical multi-gigabit speeds that are 100 times faster than what some consumers are currently experiencing today. This great leap forward will enable services and experiences that will drive internet innovation for years to come. It is our mutual responsibility to assure that devices we connect […]

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