
There are 2 blogs written by Bernardo Huberman.


Why Consensual AI Improves Problem Solving

February 22, 2019

A version of this blog post was published on February 21, 2019, on the S&P Global Market Intelligence site.  We are surrounded by embedded sensors and devices with more processing power than many of the computers standing on our desks. Machine learning modules inside phones, home control systems, thermostats, and the ubiquitous voice operated gadgets, constitute a […]

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A Different Future for Artificial Intelligence

November 27, 2018

Not a single day goes by without us hearing about AI. Machine learning, and AI, as these terms are often conflated, have become part of the lexicon in business, technology and finance. Great strides in pattern recognition and the discovery of hidden correlations in vast seas of data are fueling the enthusiasm and hopes of […]

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