Virtualization and Network Evolution

Cloud-based technologies Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) have been maturing and are now finding application outside the data centers. Cable operators are beginning to leverage SDN and NFV to provide a more personalized customer experience, accelerate time-to-market of new services and optimize cost controls. NFV & SDN are the catalysts towards less compute-intensive network elements (particularly CPE), virtualization of features and services deeper into the network, and more software programmability in the device and network configuration. These evolutions in technology accelerate innovation in subscriber services and dramatic improvements in the delivery of these services across the cable operator’s networks.

CableLabs is engaged with key industry-wide Standardization and Open Source efforts to align the evolving architecture with our Members’ needs. Through these engagements the goal is to enable our industry to advance SDN and NFV related technology, their applications and promote broad adoption.  At CableLabs, we have brought all this together in a comprehensive Virtualization and Network Evolution (VNE) program spanning multiple projects addressing different areas. These projects are in direct collaboration with our Members and their technology supplier partners.